Sanjiv is Assistant General Manager IT & Systems at RvaluE Group. He is a graduate in information technology with 15 years of work experience of performing multiple roles in IT Infrastructure & Network Management, IT Transformation, Service Delivery & Process Documentation, IT Operations, Team Management and Infra audit, with companies like Dish TV, Zee group. He has been part of key projects at Dish TV related to IT Process Transformation, RPA , Infra Development & Management, and has been an Appraisal team member for SEI CMMI-SVC v1.3 for ML3 and ML4.
Sanjiv joined RvaluE in 2019 and since then has brought several Tech Infra and System Architecture improvements that have enabled the Group to streamline all aspects of IT – like Data / Systems administration, security& privacy, adoption of cloud based infrastructure and aligning the infrastructure of various companies within the Group including the new venture Quintes Global (QG).